In this policy lab, Nour Joudah and Kylie Broderick join host Tariq Kenney-Shawa to discuss some of the key lessons to be gleaned from the encampments and how we can best build on them to strengthen the Palestine solidarity movement moving forward.
In this policy lab, Ihab Maharmeh and Ahmed Abu Ziad join us with facilitator Fathi Nimer to discuss the past, present, and future of the student movement in Palestine.
While all eyes are on Gaza, Israel is escalating its oppressive measures against Palestinians in the West Bank at unprecedented levels. The Israeli army has launched large-scale military operations, leading to the deaths of dozens of Palestinians, and given free rein to violent settlers communities, who have displaced an estimated 1,000 people in the past six months.
The accelerating adoption of academic boycotts of Israel is just one manifestation of growing support for Palestinians and intensifying efforts to hold Israel accountable for colonization, occupation, and apartheid. However, academic boycotts remain one of the most controversial pillars of the wider boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement. According to a recent study, while 91% of Middle East scholars support at least some boycott of Israel, more than a third are hesitant to get behind a boycott of Israel’s academic institutions.
Throughout history, labor strikes have been used as a potent tool in expressing dissent, voicing grievances, and demanding change. In Palestine, they have emerged as a powerful mode of resistance and a critical source of leverage for workers. These strikes have encompassed diverse sectors, including labor, education, healthcare, and more, showcasing the unity and determination of the Palestinian people in their struggle for liberation.
As the Israeli regime escalates its apartheid and settler colonial practices in Palestine, calls for sanctions against it have likewise increased. Still, sanctions remain controversial - both in terms of their ethics and efficacy. Indeed, many have argued that sanctions have rarely achieved their intended goals.
The Israeli regime subjects Palestinians across colonized Palestine to an intricate system of demographic control.
In recent years, Palestine solidarity activists have pressured corporations to end their complicity in the Israeli regime’s violations of Palestinians’ rights.
The governments of France, Spain, and Germany have ramped up efforts to repress Palestine solidarity activism.
Al-Shabaka Nadim Bawalsa
Al-Shabaka Abir Kopty
Nadim Bawalsa,Abir Kopty· Dec 12, 2022

Media & Outreach

The morning after these recent incursions into the territory began, Phenomenal World spoke with Fathi Nimer about the raids, conditions in the West Bank since October, and the history of annexation and occupation. Nimer has worked at the Arab World for Research and Development, Birzeit University, and the Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies. He is currently Palestine policy fellow at Al-Shabaka.
Al-Shabaka Fathi Nimer
Fathi Nimer· Sep 12, 2024
"All measures of forced displacement have seen a drastic escalation since Oct. 7," Tamara Tamimi, a Palestinian policy fellow at think tank Al-Shabaka, told Anadolu Agency.
Al-Shabaka Tamara Tamimi
Tamara Tamimi· Sep 6, 2024
This article cites an Al-Shabaka policy brief titled The Dangerous Exceptionalism of Christian Zionism, authored by Halah Ahmad with Mimi Kirk and published on October 3, 2023.
Al-Shabaka Halah Ahmad
Al-Shabaka Mimi Kirk
Halah Ahmad,Mimi Kirk· Aug 16, 2024
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